A box of chocolate

my public personal notebook

Entries from 2015-05-01 to 1 month

ASIS CTF Quals 2015 - Task Keka Bomb

We are given a 7-zip archive that contains a lot of smaller (or bigger?) archives inside it, and inside those archive we have even more archives. And each archive is about 4GB in size. When I open the archive with WinRAR, I noticed that th…

ASIS CTF Quals 2015 - Task Dump

We are given a VirtualBox saved state file. After some Googling on how to recover info from a .sav file, I decided to create a VirtualBox VM and overwrite its .sav file with the given file. So I created a Ubuntu x64 VM and I need to change…

ASIS CTF Quals 2015 - Task KeyLead

I used HT Editor in ELF image edit mode on Ubuntu to replace the jnz instructions that are used to check our random variables with 31337 with the jo instructions, in details: 3 - address 0x400fbc, change byte 85 to byte 80 1 - address 0x40…

ASIS CTF Quals 2015 - Task grids

We are given a set of points, and we need to determine the maximum area a polygon can cover on a 2D plane using those points as vertices. We can easily see (and prove) that the polygon we need to find must contain all of those points, and …

VolgaCTF Quals 2015 - Task mathproblem

The statement for this problem (provided when we connect to its server): You're given a set of integer numbers x0,x1,...,xn and y. Using parenthesis '(' and ')' and regular arithmetic operations '*','/','+','-' over integer numbers you nee…

VolgaCTF Quals 2015 - Task relax & enjoy

Steampunk is great :3 We're given a video file, which is this song by Abney Park but with some car brand logos added. I used Media Player Classic to play that video and then save the frames that contain those logos. Then I snipped the logo…