A box of chocolate

my public personal notebook

Entries from 2016-06-28 to 1 day

Whitehat Contest 11 RE3

We are given a big Windows binary named digital_fortrees.exe, and when I run strings on it looking for flag, I saw a lot of names like this: unittest/__init__.pycPK unittest/case.pycPK unittest/loader.pycPK unittest/main.pycPK unittest/res…

Whitehat Contest 11 RE2

We are given a Golang binary, which my idol teammate @yeuchimse reverse engineered :3. The checking code looks like this: factorials = [1, 1, 2, 6, 0x18, 0x78, 0x2d0, 0x13b0, 0x9d80, 0x58980, 0x375f00, 0x2611500, 0x1c8cfc00] def calc(nums)…

Whitehat Contest 11 Forensics 200

Point: 200 http://material.wargame.whitehat.vn/contests/11/for1_206e72e52f2f73fa1a1080b70d528657.zip nc 7337 We are given an archive which contains a file named image and an address to netcat to. Try to run file on image, we …